Baby Cubby

Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson 

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Let me start by being very honest. Registering is not my thing. At all. I do not enjoy going to stores and selecting things I think I would want other people to buy me. I get overwhelmed by the whole process. If it weren't for Adam, we wouldn't of had anything on our wedding registry 5 years ago. He had to do it all because I just couldn't. 

So when it came time to register for Jane Taylor, I had already planned on Adam being in charge once again. But surprisingly, I found myself getting more involved in the process. While Adam used the "manly" research tools like Consumer Reports, I sought out my blogger friends.  Chronicles of Frivolity became my main go-to on what you need for baby.

I enjoyed using lots of different outlets to find the perfect items for Jane Taylor. But one in particular was Baby Cubby. So I have teamed up with them to bring you some of my must have items from their site when it comes to making a registry.

1) The ComoTomo Bottles - I have had a hard time with breastfeeding so finding a bottle that wasn't going to cause the so-called "nipple" confusion was important. JT takes a bottle a day and these are awesome. I wasn't planning on starting her on a bottle at all this early. But I'm thankful that we have these and mom is able to get a little break. 

2) Uppa Baby Vista - Ok. This stroller is like the Mercedes of strollers. I realize the price is ridiculous. But we love it. We use the bassinet to take her on walks around the neighborhood and she also sleeps in it every night. Worth all the money in my opinion. 

3) Ubbi diaper pail - I loved the design of this when we got it. Now I love that it keeps the smell of those stinky diapers locked up tight. And let me tell you those diapers start stinking sooner than you think. It's easy to use, holds a lot of diapers, and it looks pretty perfect in her little nursery. 

4)Boon Lawn Counter Top Drying Rack - I was so against getting this my whole pregnancy. I just thought it was silly to have a drying spot for all the bottles, breast pumps, etc. We also have a very small kitchen and the less we can have on our countertops the better. But this is a must! I am cleaning feeding supplies all day and the lawn is the perfect spot to dry it all out. Also make sure you get the twig to go with it. 

5) Avent Soothie - I fought against giving her a pacifier for a long time. There are lots of opinions about this. But one night, I finally gave in and I am here to say that I am THANKFUL for a pacifier. We don't give it to her to go to sleep. Just in between feedings so she isn't using mom as a human pacifier. This one is her favorite. Currently. 

6) Hooded Towel - You will want this for those first couple of spongue baths. JT gets so cold when we wash her so this towel at least allows us to keep her head warm as we clean the rest of her. 

Registering for your newborn can feel extremely overwhelming. I love how Baby Cubby has a lot of what you need but not an overwhelming amount of choice when it comes to selecting the basics. They are excellent to work with! Great for making a registry and for purchasing gifts for all your mom friends. 

This post was sponsored by Baby Cubby. Opinions are my own. All products were selected by me. Thankful for partnerships like these to make a TAD more faith possible.