A Sweet Deal
/Dress - Old Navy Necklace - Laura Crawford Designs
As much as I love a good maxi dress, I love it even more when it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. This dress cost a total of… are you ready for this… $14. Seriously, that’s all. I found it at Old Navy. Yes, Old Navy. And you should know that this store isn’t only about those Fourth of July t-shirts anymore.
But, seriously, when I looked at the price tag, I was reminded of my good friend, who would have said, “Oh that means it’s free. It’s free.” I know, I know… It isn’t totally free, but when everything seems so expensive these days, it’s nice to catch a break every now and then. Plus, this dress is super easy and perfect to throw on for a summer day around town. Old Navy for the win!
Do you know what else is free? The love Jesus has for you. Seriously, His love doesn’t cost you a single penny. You don’t have to sign up for an account. You don’t have to pay a monthly fee. He loves you so much that He paid the ultimate price for you to be free.
Because of the price Jesus paid for us, we can live an eternal life with him. It is crazy to think that He loves us so much that He was willing to give His own life just to save us. His love is free, but the peace you receive by accepting His love is absolutely priceless.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 1 John 3:16
My prayer for you today is that you understand the gift God has given you in His one and only son. I pray that this sort of love comforts you in the days to come – no matter what life throws your way. God’s love is the sweetest deal you will ever find.