Back To School Books

It’s that time of year. School is gearing to start up and another year of learning is about to begin. When I used to teach elementary school Adam always knew that come August anything not related to school would be put on hold until Labor Day weekend. The house was a disaster, meals were hardly cooked, laundry was never folded. I was focused 100% on my new group of upcoming students and nothing else.

One of the best parts of the first day was sitting that new group of kids on the rug and reading them a story for the first time. Something about reading to my kids - it just held a since of comfort for me. A chance to connect with the kids through a simple story. I started almost every school year with the story Splat the Cat. It isn’t a book with some profound message to set the class off on the right foot for the school year. It is just a funny, simple book that my students enjoyed. I would finish the day reading Rhyming Dust Bunnies (using some serious voice effects) and that always had the kids laughing. Rhyming Dust Bunnies has absolutely nothing to do with the first day of school - but it was always a hit.

I share all of this because I know school is going to look different for everyone this year. Some might be going to school, others learning online, some doing homeschool. The first day of school might come from a computer screen or equipped with a mask. It breaks my heart how the comfort of going to school has to be so different this year. So I thought I would compile a list of Back to School books for you to read with your child at home when it’s time for school to start back.

A lot about this upcoming school year is hard. It is all new and you don’t need me to tell you that it’s never been done before. But can I let you in on a little secret. Every school year is hard. No matter what the circumstances. The trick is allowing the good to outweigh the parts that don’t make sense. Finding those small moments in each day and allowing them to speak louder than the parts that make you want to hide under your desk until Christmas break.

Here is to a new school year. One like never before. One that I pray brings a new way of teaching, learning, and giving grace.