Behind Each Layer
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson || Vest & Skirt: Fab'rik
Nothing says fall more like when the air gets a little chilly, and it is time to start adding layers to your look. I love that the days have arrived where I get to throw on a sweater in the mornings and be the right amount of warm as I step out the door. To me, one of the best layering pieces will always be a fur vest. And this one from Fab’rik will be the perfect addition to your fall and winter wardrobe.
Adding and removing layers is not only something that we do when the seasons change. It is also something we do in our relationships. Now, now, I am not talking about clothing, I am talking about layers of YOURSELF. You know, the ones you reveal to people as you grow closer to and feel more comfortable with them. When you are connected on a deep trusting level, you are able to take away the very protective layers and show a more vulnerable side of you. When the relationship is fresh, you are probably not comfortable with sharing your truest self. You might keep a guard up for a while until it feels safe enough to let them in. We tend to hold on to that layer that protects us from feeling hurt. Don't worry, it's totally normal.
But what about our relationship with Jesus? Are we peeling back all the layers there? We know that Jesus knows exactly who we are, but we so often try to hide even our truest self from Him. We push away the feelings because admitting THOSE feelings to HIM might make it all seem way too real. So instead of talking to Him about it, we ignore it and attempt to deal with those feelings on our own.
It is hard for me to remember that I need to talk to Jesus about those deep hidden away feelings. Feelings that I try to ignore because the very thought of them makes my heart beat faster than I prefer. But how am I supposed to get the answers and find peace if I don’t ask Him about it? If I can’t pray about it with him, how will it ever change? I want to be able to share my whole heart with Him just like I long to share my heart with those I love.
Today I pray (really, I talked to Jesus about it) that you will be able to peel back those protective layers not just in your relationships, but with Him. Talk to Him. Tell Him what it is that you are really feeling. Once you do, I have a feeling you might begin the process of truly receiving the peace that only a deep relationship with Him can provide. So go ahead and peel back the layers in your relationship Jesus, while you layer up in a gorgeous fur vest for fall.
And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. - Colossians 3:15