God Made
/Photography of Madi Flournoy Henderson || Shirt: Madewell || Pants: Soft Joie
I rarely cover accessory pieces in my blog posts. Why? Well, honestly, I am not very good at accessorizing. I know! I know! As someone who loves fashion, I should be good at this kind of thing. But I am really NOT. As my style evolves, so does my desire to include those unique jewelry pieces as the final touch to that perfect outfit.. This necklace, however, is so much more than just the final touch. This necklace was made by my dear friend, Laura Crawford. It will always be more than just a necklace to me.
I am amazed by Laura’s natural artistic ability for all things crafty. It is a true God-given talent. Since I have THE WORST handwriting on the planet and zero jewelry making skills, I am so thankful that God blessed me with a friend like Laura. Of course, she is so much more than just my crafty friend. But having someone who can whip up the perfect chalkboard (or the perfect necklace) is always a nice bonus to any friendship.
What I love about Laura is even though her talent comes naturally, she still takes the time to ensure that every necklace is absolutely perfect. She carefully places each bead and chain to make the necklace just right.
Just like Laura takes the time to make the perfect necklace, God took His time to make the perfect you. I love that feeling... Thinking about how God can create and mold each of us into the perfect example of His love. I love the way His creation of us is described in the song, Sons and Daughters. "Before He spoke creation, the God of Heaven knew our names. Formed in his reflection, we are His glory on display."
That is exactly what we are: His example of His love, on display for the whole world to see. Just like we show off our favorite necklace, let's show off God's love. So, today, I challenge you to display the love God has for you to others. And while you're at it, display your favorite piece of jewelry, too.