Lord I Need You
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson || Dress: Fab'rik
One thing I need for this holiday season is more suede dresses. Normally, I wouldn’t pick out a dress like this. I have to keep my everyday style simple in order to do my job. Simply put, this dress would not work for teaching third graders. With that said, this dress is absolutely perfect for the upcoming holiday events. The suede… the lace-up. Not only is it all on trend, but it’s also from one of my favorite boutiques, Fab’rik.
You know that song, “Lord I need you?” The song basically repeats those four words over and over again. There’s nothing fancy or mind blowing about the lyrics. Just a simple and easy to understand, “Lord I need you.” But, oh, how powerful are those words. This song has been stuck in my head the past couple of days, and I honestly don’t know how it got there. But I’m glad it did.
Sometimes, we receive gifts in life but forget where they came from. We get confident in ourselves and what we accomplished. We stop talking to Him as much because that one thing we yearned for finally arrived.
Other times, we encounter rough patches and focus so hard on the bad that we forget to lean on the one person that can see us through. Our anger and confusion entangles our mind and causes us to think we are in control.
I am in a season where I need to be remember how much I need Jesus. I need Him to tell me it’s all going to be ok. I need Him to remind me that He will provide. I need Him to show me the path to what is next. I need Him to celebrate the good things that are coming.
So, I hope that the lyrics, “Lord, I need you, oh I need you” continue to stick in my head. Because I want to need Him everyday… in everything that I do. Regardless of the season you are in, I pray that you will want to need Him, too. Whether it is a time for rejoicing or a time of frustration, you need Him to see you though.
Blessed is the one... whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers." - Psalm 1:1-3