The Details
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson || Dress: VICI
With summer wrapping up, I am getting as much wear out of this little maxi dress as I can. I adore the simplicity of this dress, yet with just the tiniest little detail of some tassels, it becomes something totally different. Without the colors it would just be a black maxi dress. Listen, there is nothing wrong with a black maxi dress. But don’t the colors make this one so much more fun?!
Lately, I have noticed myself focusing too much on the details. Not the colorful, cheerful tassel details. The bad details. The details that cause me to lay awake at night and question myself. “Did I get my point across?” “Did I say the wrong thing?” “What if this never works out?” “What if I’m not hearing you God?”
You know what those little details do? They cause you to miss the big picture. Getting too wrapped up in the little things that ARE NOT happening instead of the big things that ARE happening. It can turn into a dangerous game of doubting yourself.
In Present Over Perfect, Shanua Niequist writes, “One of the reasons I believe in God is because I can see so clearly his loving and hilarious hand, guiding us to the unlikeliest of places to find the healing we’ve been searching for all along.”
Wouldn’t it be nice to see the day in review and recognize all that you DID instead of what you DIDN’T do? Noticing the details of God’s guiding hand that show how crazy He is about you.
I pray that today you recognize those details that are causing you to doubt YOU. And that when you do, you ignore them with all your might. I pray that you see not just the good details, the tassels of your day, but also the big picture God is creating for you. I pray that you trust in His guiding hand to lead you on the right way. The way to the greatest you.