Find Your Way Back Home
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson Shirt by Aviate at Diana Warner
If you haven’t picked up on it already, I love Nashville. Like, L.O.V.E my city. I love the different neighborhoods… I love the people… I love the energy. So, when I was asked to collaborate with Diana Warner and given the option of wearing this adorable BNA shirt, it was a no brainer. I was 100% on board. Because not only do I love my city, I love to rep my city. I’m already the owner of the BNA hat; so, of course, I needed the shirt to go with it.
If you are thinking about purchasing your own BNA Aviate gear (which you should), I will warn you… Every time I wear my hat, I get asked if I work at the airport. Every. Single. Time.
What’s funny is that to an outsider, the initials “BNA” wouldn’t mean much. It is really just the airport. If you had asked me to wear a hat that said “Nashville International Airport,” I would have looked at you like you were crazy. That thing would never go on my head. But put the letters “BNA” and this new Aviate trend is a total game changer.
Lucky for me, Adam and his family love to travel just as much as my family does. Therefore I spend a lot of time at the airport. Being able to break out of Nashville and explore somewhere new—or even somewhere familiar—is a very comforting activity for me. With each new destination, I gain a new experience; but, at the same time, I also realize just how grateful I am for my home.
I fully agree with the saying, “Home is where the heart is.” Yet, while our homes will often look different, there is one member that belongs in each of them. And that member… that protector… is Jesus. Some days, we are very aware of His presence in our home. It is as if he is sitting there with us at the dinner table. Other days, we might not even welcome him through the front door. But, no matter what you are trying to escape or where you are running to, He is always waiting to lead you back home. No matter where that home may be.