The Question Is...
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson || Sweater: Dainty Hooligan
We all know that feeling when we get the urge to do a little online shopping. The first thing we do is hop on our phones and visit all our go-to websites. Well, go ahead and add Dainty Hooligan to your list. While their online store is great, I picked up this must-have sweater while visiting their store in Houston. Now, the only question is, “Will I ever be able to really wear it?”
A couple nights ago, my closet girlfriends and I went to Coco’s Italian Market to see our dear friend, Morgan, her sweet mom, and gorgeous sister. Morgan’s mom is like a second mom to us. (And she just so happens to double as our favorite trainer). But over the years, she has been a real guiding light to me and a huge example of Christ’s love for us.
On this particular evening, she asked a lot of questions about our group of friends. They were just basic questions, such as “Who is the most laid back? Who tells it like it is? Who worries what other people will think?” While they were just basic questions, it amazed me how much we were all on the same page. But the questions also made me realize just how lucky we were to all have each other. How lucky we are to have grown to love each other like sisters. Isn’t it funny how a couple questions can make you realize some of your greatest blessings?
As a teacher, I ask a lot of questions throughout the day. I also get asked A LOT of questions. But you can probably guess the person I don’t ask enough questions to. There is a difference between saying your prayers and asking Jesus a question. How often do you say the words, “Lord what should I do?” and wait (patiently) for His answer? I tend to pray about the plan I have in mind rather than asking Him what He thinks about it. What question about your life do you need to ask Jesus? What is stopping you from doing it? Are you ready to wait for the answer? God already has your life figured out, but maybe He is just patiently waiting for you to ask what’s next.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:7