A Gift From The Heart
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson || Dress: Fab'rik
With the holiday season upon us, so comes the stress of finding that perfect holiday party outfit (or, several outfits depending on how many parties you plan to attend this year!). I love a good holiday party full of decorations, friends and, of course, food. I also love this dress from Fab’rik. The length, the lace, the RED. It’s the perfect holiday dress for all occasions.
One event I look forward to with my friends every holiday season is our little game of “Dirty Santa.” And every year it starts out the same. As the first few gifts are opened, most people sit back and act content with their selections. At some point, however, a brave soul speaks up to say, “I want that one!” Just as the first gift is stolen away, the fun truly begins. The laughter and excitement of this night provide some of my favorite memories of the season. I love watching the looks on my friends faces as the gifts on the table are opened and/or stolen away.
During this year’s Dirty Santa, we are changing things up a bit. One of our friends suggested that we use this precious time together to give back to our community. Specifically, she suggested that we bring a little something for a child in need, such as a toy or coat, in addition to our Dirty Santa gift. Coming as no surprise, the group quickly fell in love with this idea; and, now, the night will take on even more significance for me.
What my friend doesn’t know is that her little suggestion will not only serve as a gift to the handful of kids that might otherwise get nothing this Christmas, but it has already served as a gift to me. You see, after a very trying day, I needed the reminder that things could always be worse. I needed the reminder that there are people who need much more than me. I am so thankful for her giving heart that completely shifted my focus today.
Of course, I am going to encourage you to give back to those less fortunate this holiday season. But, I am also going to encourage you to give back to the people you love. Not through your wallets, but through your hearts. A heart that loves like He loves you is one of the greatest gifts of all. I pray it is a gift you give and also receive all season long.
But I am like an olive tree growing in God's house, and I can count on His love forever and ever. - Psalm 52:8