Street Smart
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson ~ Outfit Linked Below
This dress is one of those need to have, must buy looks that will last you all summer and into the fall. It is good for work, church, play, party, or whatever. You can dress it up with some cute summer booties, or you can dress it down with a pair of slip-ons (which, by the way, I am currently obsessed with slip-ons – I wore them all over NYC last week).
Whether traveling through a big city like New York or the streets of Nashville during CMA Fest, you need to wear the correct shoes… shoes that you can walk in, stand in, and even dance in. These shoes need to last for hours and not provide discomfort. You need to be smart about your street shoes.
We have all heard about being “street smart.” Specifically, it is defined as “knowing how to deal with potential difficulties in an urban environment.” Thankfully, Nashville isn’t the most “urban” of cities, and I think my level of street smarts is up to the level it needs to be here. At least in certain parts of the city… Right?
Most of us are able to gauge our level of street smartness. We tend to have enough commonsense and awareness of our surroundings to know how to handle most any type of situation. But do we have this same sense of awareness when it comes to our faith?
Everyday, we recognize that there are different situations where we need to lean on our faith. But do we? Do we consult God? Do we pray about it? Or do we just confront the situation—without thinking—and hope for the best.
Take a moment today to think about how you handle each of your faith driven decisions. Have you prayed about it? Are you putting your trust in God? These moments could be life changing, or they could be small. Maybe it is as easy as making a phone call to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Or maybe it is as big as finally beginning the search for a new job. But no matter how big or how small, each moment should be valued. Each moment is worth a prayer… or a praise.