The Baseline
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson || Dress: Nordstorm
The color red—especially the perfect shade of burnt red—just screams fall to me. It reminds me of the changing of the leaves and the color of the sunset. It is the baseline color to represent the season. When I first saw this dress, I knew it was one that I HAD to own and one that I would probably wear over and over again. Bring on the earthly colored fall clothing. My pumpkin spiced lattes and I are ready for this season.
While this color (and dress) is a good baseline (or starting point) for a fall wardrobe, we also have our baselines in life. And, of course, when I refer to your “baselines,” I am not talking about the lines that box you onto the tennis court. I am talking about the things that you race towards to get your life back on track. They are the places, activities, and PEOPLE we turn to when we feel a little out of whack. It is a place that provides comfort and truth. It is the place you go to tell yourself what you WANT to hear… and also to tell yourself what you NEED to hear.
I tend to place too much emphasis on my baseline and not enough on my FAITH in Jesus. Your baseline is a good place. It is a blessing to have one, but it can become a hindrance when you rely on it more than you should.
Your baseline is not a steady spot. Your baselines will change. Your areas of reset will slowly become your areas of defeat. Eventually, you will find yourself searching for a new one.
If you are searching for a reset, you should look no further. Call off the search. The war is already won. Your rock and your savior, Jesus Christ, is always right beside you. He is willing and able to help you reset your focus and guide you through life. Sure, He is going to bring people into your life who will help you, too; but, ultimately, it will be just you and Him. And with Him, all things are possible.