Holding You
/Print from Heart of Life Design
A couple nights ago I was holding Jane Taylor late into the night rocking her to sleep. For various reasons I kept having to move from one room to the other, keeping her asleep, as Adam set up her bed. I was tired, but at all didn’t mind holding my sweet girl on my chest. Honestly, I could sleep that way every night.
As I moved from room to room, holding her close and keeping her safe, I got this overwhelming thought about my fellow mothers in the world. Mothers that I have never met and will never fully understand what they have been through.
Becoming a mother has given me this strong desire to protect all around us. Protect her, Adam, our home. Thankfully, I live in a town where I am not constantly running in fear. I can speak of my love for the Lord. I can wear whatever I want. I can go wherever I please. I can do whatever I need to do for the best for my child.
But there are mothers in this world, in cities and countries I honestly can’t pronounce, who move from room to room, house to house, city to city, holding their children to their chest. Keeping them safe. Doing what is best for them. They are moving out of fear for their lives. A fear I can’t begin to imagine. Those mothers weighed heavy on my heart as I held my girl that night.
The way mothers hold their children close is, to me, the physical representation of how God holds us throughout each day and night. He covers us with His arms, moving us from room to room, house to house, city to city, in efforts to guide us to a safe destination. One that can only be found by bringing Him into our hearts.
Today I pray for the mommas out there who are doing all that they can for their children. I pray they know that God is there to guide the steps. I pray that He can help carry the fear, in whatever form it comes, and turn it into trust in His plan. And I pray for all of you to know that you are being held, so closely, each and every day by our Savoir.