More For Mom
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About two summers ago I attended a Christian women’s conference called She Speaks. It was the opportunity of a lifetime to get to hear from so many great authors, obtain new tools for writing, and to connect with new people. But the best part about She Speaks was getting to hear everyone’s why for attending the conference and watching these women cheer each other on to get there.
It was at She Speaks where I met Kristin Funston, and we both shared our dream for publishing a book. So when the opportunity to REVIEW her book presented itself I jumped all over it!
This past weekend Adam and I got away to the beach, just the two of us. It was my first time to ever leave Jane Taylor for longer than a couple of hours. I was a mix of emotions. Happy to be headed to the beach, but sad to be leaving my girl. So reading More for Mom couldn’t have been more perfect for my time away.
This book reminds you how to give yourself more. Not more in the sense of more time for yourself. More of Jesus. She teaches you how to “workout” your brain so that you can keep your thoughts focused on the Holy Spirit and what Jesus wants for us. She encourages you to dive into the word and learn more about Him. She helps you to love people, all people, but to do so wisely. She reminds you to keep dreaming.
Her book isn’t for just the mom who goes into the office, or the mom who stays at home, or the mom of little kids. This book is for all moms. It is an encouraging read that I highly recommend.
About the Author
With a passion for writing, Kristin Funston encourages women in a way that is relatable and practical, with a healthy dose of humor. She has a master’s degree in Communication Studies from New Mexico State University. She is a member and employee of Hope Presbyterian Church and works as the Marriage and Family Coordinator and a leader in the women’s ministry. She is also a regular contributor to multiple blogs including The Better Mom, City Moms Blog, TODAY Parenting, and Scary Mommy. Funston resides outside of Memphis, TN with her husband and three daughters.
Learn more at She is also active on Facebook (KristinDFunston) and Instagram (@kfunston).