More For Mom

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Shop More for Mom by clicking here

About two summers ago I attended a Christian women’s conference called She Speaks. It was the opportunity of a lifetime to get to hear from so many great authors, obtain new tools for writing, and to connect with new people. But the best part about She Speaks was getting to hear everyone’s why for attending the conference and watching these women cheer each other on to get there.

It was at She Speaks where I met Kristin Funston, and we both shared our dream for publishing a book. So when the opportunity to REVIEW her book presented itself I jumped all over it!

This past weekend Adam and I got away to the beach, just the two of us. It was my first time to ever leave Jane Taylor for longer than a couple of hours. I was a mix of emotions. Happy to be headed to the beach, but sad to be leaving my girl. So reading More for Mom couldn’t have been more perfect for my time away.

This book reminds you how to give yourself more. Not more in the sense of more time for yourself. More of Jesus. She teaches you how to “workout” your brain so that you can keep your thoughts focused on the Holy Spirit and what Jesus wants for us. She encourages you to dive into the word and learn more about Him. She helps you to love people, all people, but to do so wisely. She reminds you to keep dreaming.

Her book isn’t for just the mom who goes into the office, or the mom who stays at home, or the mom of little kids. This book is for all moms. It is an encouraging read that I highly recommend.

About the Author

With a passion for writing, Kristin Funston encourages women in a way that is relatable and practical, with a healthy dose of humor. She has a master’s degree in Communication Studies from New Mexico State University. She is a member and employee of Hope Presbyterian Church and works as the Marriage and Family Coordinator and a leader in the women’s ministry. She is also a regular contributor to multiple blogs including The Better Mom, City Moms Blog, TODAY Parenting, and Scary Mommy. Funston resides outside of Memphis, TN with her husband and three daughters.

Learn more at She is also active on Facebook (KristinDFunston) and Instagram (@kfunston).

Thursday's Three: Books You Should Be Reading - Shauna Niequist

What is Thursday's Three?  During my break I thought long and hard about different aspects I wanted to bring to you all throughout the week. I wanted a way to share certain things I am loving, from beauty, to recipes, to books (always sharing books). Originally, I thought to do a Friday's Five - classic blog post used by many favorites of mine (example of a blogger doing it right here ). But my sister suggested to be a little a different and do Thursday's Three. The majority of our phone conversations begin with "Did you see what so and so posted? Have you done Lauren Kay Sims ab workout today? Do you think I need these Pjs?". She knows whats out there, so I took her suggestion. Ok, onto today's three picks. 

I was first introduced to Shanua Neiqust by my friend Brandi. And since that first book, I have become hooked. She has a way of telling stories that beg you wanting more. They are the kind of books where you get a little sad as you see the last couple pages approaching because you don't want it to end. The way I refer to Shauna in conversation you would think I was actually a friend of hers. That we regularly talk on the phone, I've been to her home numerous times for dinner and we have created countless memories together. But truthfully, I am only her friend through the stories she has shared with me and millions of other. That's what makes her a good author.

Her books dive into the good stuff. The hard stuff. The stuff that makes you think. And picking just three was super challenging because I honestly loved them all. 

Cold Tangerines - When I was six months pregnant we headed off to Scottsdale for our baby moon, and I brought this book with me. It was the perfect book to read for the season of life that I was in. Cold Tangerines holds little stories about God, and how He is here, everyday. And how He is present in everything.  Shauna writes "God is waiting to be found everywhere, in the darkest corners of our lives, the dead ends and bad neighborhoods we wake up in, and in the simplest, lightest, most singular and luminous moments." It is a beautiful book. If you haven't read any of Shauna's books, I recommend this one first.

Bread & Wine - It is exactly as it reads. Pages full of stories of friends gathering together to eat good food, and drink good wine and recipes for you to try on your own. You feel like you are at the table with her as she describes the items on the menu and the experiences that came with the meal. She makes the food come alive through simple black and white text. This book makes you want to cook, host, and cry all at the same time. 

Present Over Perfect - When Shauna came out with this book it was the summer I attended She Speaks. She kicked off the event with a powerful message. Then she signed books for a handful of us. I was a total fan girl when I met her. Didn't even get my book signed because I was too excited to even ask. I very much hope she has erased our first encounter from her memory. But that is one of the reasons why this book is one of my top three. Present Over Perfect reminds you to focus in on what is important. To press pause, to admit your mistakes, to accept that you are not going to have it all together. Read this book when you need to learn to give yourself some grace. 

If you are not really the reading type, these books are also a great listen on audible. Shauna reads them herself and her voice is just as welcoming as her writing. Hope you enjoyed this week's Thursday's Three. To shop ALL of Shauna's books click the links below. To read more posts about Shauna click here and here

What I'm Reading Wednesday

How clever is the title for this blog post? Pretty catchy, huh?  I thought so. In all seriousness, though, I just love to read. And some books are definitely worth sharing with others. Hence, my inspiration for this week’s post. 

The book I’m writing about today makes the cut for one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. It’s that kind of humor where you catch yourself laughing out loud and blurting out expressions such as, “YES! So true!”  The author, Jen Hatmaker, writes the book in such a way that you think she is literally sitting next to you with a glass of Chardonnay saying, “Listen. Hun. This is how it is.”

As it turns out, the treadmill is not only good for increasing your heart rate. It’s also one of my favorite places to read. So, when I recently worked out at the local YMCA while reading Jen's book, you can only imagine the looks I got from the people around me when I busted out a loud, “HA.” I really wanted to turn and read them the part of the book that caused me to make this (and possibly other) unusual sound(s) of joy mid-workout. I mean, we all know that laughter is best shared with others. That said, the more rational side of my brain told me to remain normal and not engage in such outbursts!

While this book brings lots “ha ha” moments, it also brings those “ah ha” moments. This is an excellent combination.

When I first started reading the book, I wasn’t sure I was going to actually finish it. There was a chapter about yoga pants and youth fashion. I now realize the point Jen was trying to make, but it confused me at first. Honestly, I was so close to texting my friend, who provides me with most of my reading material, and saying, “Have you read For the Love? I am not sure how much I like it.” 

Yes, this book does talk a lot about “mom things.” But that wasn’t the reason I wanted to stop reading. I am a teacher after all, and I can relate to any kid topic in a story since I share my office each day with 23 of them. Reflecting back, however, I can now say that even if you don’t have kids or are no where close to having them, this is still a great book for you to read. If you have kids, you will laugh even harder. 

So, anyway, I was about to put the book down and call it a loss. But, I had about 12 minutes left in my workout and had unknowingly fought for a machine with a TV that didn’t carry Bravo! (oh, the horror)! So, what do I do?  Keep reading. 

I am so glad I did. 

It was the very next chapter that hooked me.  I first started reading this book while in the midst of my biggest “NO battle” regarding my hopes and dreams for the future. “NO, you don’t have time for that.” “NO, that will never be you.” “NO, this isn’t going to work.” I was feeling defeated and confused.  I was reaching the “I’m about to quit” stage that we all have entered at some point in our lives. 

Yet, in those last 12 minutes, I read this:

Gosh, we were just born to to do stuff, weren’t we? God truly built gifts into our lives. Everyone is good at something…. God created an entire package. It all counts. There are no throw away qualities…How many trot out that tired cliché – "I’m waiting for God to open a door" – and He is all, "I love you, but get going, pumpkin, because usually chasing the dream in your heart looks surprisingly like work. Don’t just stand there, bust a move." (God often sounds like Young MC).

Sometimes a little tiny sign from God that we are moving in the right direction is all we need – a small push towards that next step. Reading those pages gave me the strength I needed to defeat the NO battle and push forward. It also caused me to complete the book and be truly sad when it ended.  Thank the good Lord that I had those 12 minutes left. 

What are your gifts? Have you ever stopped to think about that? Where can they take you? 

I hope that whatever it is that you are running towards, you are doing so knowing that God is running right next to you. I need that reminder everyday. As Jen says, “We were made to run. RUN. I’m grinning at you. We all are.”

And For the Love, give this book a try.

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