Our Favorite Things: Newborn to 3months


The other day I was talking to one of my friends who is expecting her first baby girl about all the things to put on her registry. We talked for an hour about everything we could think of from sleeping, to play, to eating. It got me thinking I should start a series called “our favorite things” to share what we are currently loving. The easiest place to start is with Lampley’s current favorites! Below are some of our top items we have used with her in these first couple months of her life. 

Number One - The Rohm

This is the portable sound machine to the dohm, which I would also recommend. Since Lampley is the sweet second child she has to nap a lot more on the go than Jane Taylor ever did. The Rohm is amazing because it just comes with us. And it truly does. Almost like a 3rd child. I stick it in her car seat with her or next to her in the stroller and it provides that soothing white noise sound that helps her stay asleep on the go

Number Two - The Miracle Swaddle 

We value sleep greatly in this house. When Jane Taylor was learning how to sleep we must have ordered at least half a dozen swaddles. Every time we had a hard night with her sleeping Adam would greet me the next morning with “ok this swaddle has good reviews. It will be here in two days” and we would give another one a try. The Miracle Swaddle ended up being exactly what it says it is, a miracle. So with Lampley we used it from the beginning and she has been doing great. We also really liked the Halo swaddle when Lampley was super tiny. The Miracle Swaddle really pins their arms down (which you want) but it just felt like a lot for her little body those first couple weeks. 

Number Three - Car Seat Cover 

When we are out and about I get more questions about this car seat cover. It’s so easy to put on and off and the zipper in the front makes it easy to check on her while she is in there. It’s stretchy material but tough so I feel like Lampley is good and warm in there. It is also so easy to throw in the wash! 

Number Four - Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier 

With Jane Taylor I never really “wore” her around until she got to be a couples months old and could face forward in our ergo baby. But I knew with Lampley I would have to wear her more because I needed to have hands free to also take care of Jane Taylor. I’ve tried the wraps a million times and was determined to make it work for Lampley, but it didn’t. This was a great alternative to the wrap because I could put her in it even when she was so tiny. Lots of naps are taken in this carrier. It’s much easier to slip on and off, I’ve successfully moved her from the carrier to the crib or swing a handful of times! We love this thing. 

Number Five - Bottles and Bottle Warmer 

Thankfully I am still able to breastfeed Lampley and we are doing great!  I give Lampley a bottle of breastmilk every night. We started this around 3 weeks old so that she would get used to feeding both ways. We used these bottles & bottle warmers with Jane Taylor also! 

Number Six - Play Mat 

Lampley needs all the entertainment possible so when it comes to play time we love this little mat. We also use this mirror for tummy time and catch Lampley talking to herself in it all the time. These flash cards were great too for Lampley to learn how to track objects. 

Number Seven - Nightlight 

Jane Taylor calls this nightlight “the egg”. It was the best thing for us when Lampley was feeding around the clock in the beginning. You can adjust it to make it brighter - so we could see during diaper changes, and darker so I could see enough to feed Lampley but it didn’t wake her up. Best middle of the night feeding tool! 

Number Eight - Portable Diaper Caddy 

I keep this tool in the car fully stocked of diapers and wipes for both the girls. It’s great because when we head out the door packing the diaper bag is one less thing I have to worry about. 

Number Nine - Baby Swing 

One evening we went over to our neighbors house and placed Lampley in their swing. She was asleep in seconds and stayed asleep. So we ordered one right then and there. We have the 4moms Momaroo, but my girls have never slept in it well. The swing has been great for those little catnaps Lampley takes at the end of each day. We have been very happy with this one. 

Number Ten - Baby Bouncer 

Now I’ll start by saying this Baby Bouncer is pricey. However, I love it so much more than the bouncer we used with Jane Taylor. It’s light and easy to move from room to room. It also will grow with Lampley as she grows.