Praise Worthy Wednesday
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson
In life, we are given many blessings from our Lord above. But one of the best gifts He gives us is the gift of laughter. Earlier this month, I spent the weekend with a group of girls that I thank God for everyday. Not only because of their unwavering love and support, but because of their ability to make me laugh so hard at the silliest things. Time with these girls is good for the soul.
We sat around the table on our last night together and laughed through the tears as we talked about how thankful we were for each other. I could never put into words what these girls mean to me.
So, on this Praise Worthy Wednesday, I praise God for the gifts of laughter and friendship. I praise God for the kinds of friends who bring me joy from something as simple as a game of Dirty Santa. I praise God for the feeling I got when the new baby girl of one of my best friends grabbed hold of my hand.
I pray that your friendships bring you this much happiness. And I pray that you live a life full of laughter with the ones you love.
As always, a big PRAISE to each of you for taking time to stop by this little blog of mine. Below are some more of my praises for this week.
- Praise for this group of girls and their giving hearts. We collected so many toys to give to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital all thanks to our loving friend, Kristina, for the idea. -
- Praise for this adorable coffee mug from Ashley Brooke Designs. These make the perfect gifts for Christmas. -
- Praise for this beautiful reminder from She Reads Truth-
- and praise for a day in downtown franklin with my favorite people wearing the coziest sweater from Vinnie Louise -