Once in a While & White Dresses

Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson  

Dress: Nordstrom || Shoes: Target || Similar shoes here and here



When I think about summer one of the things that always comes to mind is a simple white dress. Even though you can totally wear white all year round, there is just something about a white dress and summer. They just go together. This one from Nordstrom was one of my favorites from this year. Mostly because it is so bump friendly, but I also love how it can easily go from dressed up to dressed down. This one is currently on sale too! I have listed some of my top white dress picks below. A good white dress only comes around every once in a while. 

One of the things I constantly work on in my relationship with Christ is letting Him be in control. I am sure I am not alone in this. I spend my days praying for Him to make certain things work out on my time. As each event unfolds, my prayers will become more dyer to have things work in my direction. Instead of taking the time to listen to what He might be trying to tell me.

We can try to control our plans, but ultimately they are in God’s hands. Something we know yet often have to remind ourselves. I know He attempts to tell me this on a daily basis. And even with those reminders, I still find myself trying to control His plan.

Every once in while, when I go to pray the words “just be still” will come through so clearly. It is as if He is screaming them into my brain. I’ll begin to pray for things to work out a certain way and suddenly God interrupts me with this command. More than ever before I have been hearing those words over and over again.

Realizing I need to trust in His timing has never been so apparent. Mostly because I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little one. But I also know He means it in so many other areas. So for now, I am doing just that. Being still. Trusting in Him to know where the next steps are. To know the exact date when she will arrive. And to know He will lead me through the paths that are presented before me.

More than anything, I pray you will be able to hear what God is saying to you as you pray today. I pray He will clearly give you an idea of what to do next. Because there is nothing more comforting then hearing Him say “I’ve got this, just be still.” 

Be still and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10

Lighten Up

Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson 

Dress: Nordstrom || Shoes: Lucky Brand

A light and flowy summer dress is a must. Now, more than ever, I am in need of “lightness.”  One of my favorite brands that meets this need is Hinge from Nordstrom. Hinge is known for its dresses in fun prints and relaxed styles. This dress has that light feeling and is non-maternity. A major win-win for this pregnant girl!

During the summer, my load is definitely lightened with school being out. However, with all this extra time, I am doing what I do best: unnecessarily building that load back up again. I’ve already been scheduling meetings, running errands, re-organizing my classroom, etc. – all things that I feel like I should be doing to pass the time, but probably things that are not best for my mental well-being.

I need to get better at taking the time to lighten the load. I know for a lot of us it’s easier said than done. And, sometimes, life just doesn’t allow it. But, it is important for us to slow down and connect with God.  It is in those times that we actually hear what He has to say.  It is unfortunate that for a lot of us, including me, it sometimes takes a complete utter breakdown for us to realize what we truly need.

In all areas—especially in the blog world and on social media—it is easy to play the comparison game and feel like you need to go faster, work harder, smile bigger, and have amazing lighting at all hours. But sometimes God wants you to do the exact opposite. I am not saying to call-in to work tomorrow and say that you are taking the rest of the week off. What I am saying is that you should stop for a minute. Chill out. Lighten up. Stop worrying about where you want to be and focus on where you should be. Whether that is taking time to read a book, spend time with friends, be with family, or go for a run. Whatever you need to do to recharge your soul and your relationship with Him… do that. The rat race will still be there tomorrow, but you will run it better if you are focused on what He wants you to do today. The more time you spend listening to His wants instead of your own, the less running you will actually have to do. 

Keeping Routine

Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson

Top: Nordstrom || Similar tops here & here || Pants: ASOS maternity || Non maternity styles here & here || Shoes here & here || Necklace || Bags I would pair here & here

I realize that I am six-months pregnant. I also realize that my stomach is only going to get bigger. But I am bound and determined not to spend boatloads of money on maternity wear. As a result, tunics are quickly becoming my best friend. Knowing that I will be able to wear them throughout my pregnancy (hopefully) and in the years to come makes them all the more appealing. I love how this particular tunic has some shape to it and doesn’t just look like a sack hanging on me. Hinge is one of my favorite brands at Nordstrom, so it’s no surprise that this tunic came home with me... pregnant or not.

Shopping for maternity wear is totally not my normal routine. While I might complain about only being able to wear an outfit for a couple more months, I feel truly blessed to have the struggle of “fitting the bump.” I would fit the bump for as long as God so desired because the joy that comes with feeling her little kicks far surpasses any desire to wear my normal summer attire.

But, again, it is still a change to my normal shopping routine. Sometimes change is good – and not just with our shopping routine. (I mean, the struggle is real when you have to change up how you shop, right? Kidding… well, kind of!). Changing up our routine with our faith is also good. Challenging. But good.

In high school, I was so good about writing down my prayers before bed. In college, I wrote them on a notecard, so I could read over them after doing my devotion. In the real world, however, I stopped writing them down altogether. I try to carry them in my head, which often causes me to forget who and what I should be praying for.

I’m not saying that I don’t still throw my prayers and praises up to Him every day. Nevertheless, I am well aware that changing up my pre-bed routine of watching Real Housewives of You-Name-the-City to reading and focusing more on prayer might be a good thing. It’s just a matter of committing to it, changing the routine, and pressing forward.

What routines do you feel you need to change? Where do you want to improve? And are you willing to accept the challenge that comes with change? Even the smallest change can become ever so rewarding.