Go With The Flow
/Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson Top: Diana Warner Shorts: Diana Warner
To wrap-up my collaboration with Diana Warner, I bring you one of my favorite pieces currently in her store. I am all about a flowy top – especially one in this gorgeous blue! I also love the shorts because they are super comfortable (primary requirement for me), and I could dress them up with wedges or wear them casually with sandals. Either way, it’s a win, win for my summer closet.
One of the reasons why I love a flowy top is because I feel very relaxed while wearing it. I don’t have to worry about getting too hot or having fabric stick to me. It’s just simple, flattering and COMFORTABLE. Did I mention that I really like to be comfortable in what I’m wearing?
While a flowy top can make me feel more relaxed, “going with the flow” often creates the exact opposite feeling for me. I don’t know about you, but I like to be in control of all areas of my life. So, going with the flow is NOT something I’m good at. Ask anyone who knows me. They will tell you that I am far from laid back about most things. It is both a blessing and a curse, and I have spent most of my adult life trying strike the proper balance.
In life, however, we are often presented with situations where we just have to go with the flow. Whether it be in your job, your family, or your friendships, you get to the point where you just have to sit back and let things happen on their own time. And trust me, recognizing that you are at that point is probably the hardest part about going with the flow.
What areas of your life do you need to just go with the flow? How can it help you better deal with the situation? And now for that all too familiar question… Have you prayed about it as much as you’ve talked about it?
Don’t be afraid to hand over your worries to God and ask him to help you go with the flow. After all, it’s kind of His job.